Text styles

Jeffrey Davis
Modified on: Thu, 28 Apr, 2022 at 7:46 AM

You can use built-in WYSIWYG editor to change the text style:

Or you can change the source code:

This is italic font-style

<p><em>This is italic font-style</em></p>

This is bold font-style

<p><strong>This is bold font-style</strong></p>

This is your underlined text

<p><span>This is your underlined text</span></p>

This text is deleted

<p>This text is <del>deleted</del></p>

This is an important marked text

<p>This is <span class="text-primary">an important marked text</span></p>

This is an important blue text

<p>This is <span class="text-info">an important blue text</span></p>

This is an important yellow text

<p>This is <span class="text-warning">an important yellow text</span></p>

This is an important red text

<p>This is <span class="text-danger">an important red text</span></p>

Gray paragraph style

<p class="fr-text-gray">Gray paragraph style</p>

Bordered paragraph style

<p class="fr-text-bordered">Bordered paragraph style</p>

Spaced paragraph style

<p class="fr-text-spaced">Spaced paragraph style</p>

Uppercased paragraph style

<p class="fr-text-uppercase">Uppercased paragraph style</p>

Left aligned text

<p style="text-align: left;">Left aligned text</p>

Center aligned text

<p style="text-align: center;">Center aligned text</p>

Right aligned text

<p style="text-align: right;">Center aligned text</p>
Jeffrey is the author of this solution article.

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